AMPSEA provides a united voice for Australian companies who deliver mass participation sporting events – our priority is to support our industry to survive the current financial crisis.


Executive Statement

The Australian Mass Participation Sporting Events Alliance was formed in May 2020 by a group of industry leaders to bring our industry together as we battle through the financial impacts of the COVID- 19 pandemic. Our purpose is to find a way to return to the delivery of mass participation sporting events while we maintain a flattened COVID-19 curve.

Each year millions of Australians participate in fun runs, marathons, ocean swims, ironman events, community cycling and challenging obstacle course racing. These mass participation sporting events bring people together, benefit public health, create jobs, drive growth in regional economies and raise millions of dollars for charity.

We believe that our industry is critical to the recovery process. Like many industries in Australia, the sporting event industry is in financial crisis. What makes our industry unique is that with the forced cancellation of all mass participation sporting events our cash flow has been stopped completely and community confidence in attending large events has been shattered. Many popular events with long and proud histories do not have the financial reserves to weather this crisis alone.

The financial impacts on the industry are exacerbated by the pandemic immediately following the devastating bushfires, resulting in the cancellation of mass participation sporting events over a sustained period.

AMPSEA is developing a strategy to secure financial support from the Government, leading a media campaign to drive awareness for our industry and producing best practise risk mitigation protocols to fast-track our path back to business.